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Best features of PHP Laravel Framework



Here are some of the best features of PHP Laravel Framework which makes it popular among developers and businesses.

1. Template Engine:
Laravel framework is highly acknowledged for its built-in lightweight templates which can be used to create wonderful layouts using dynamic content seeding. In addition to this, it provides multiple widgets incorporating CSS and JS code with robust structures. Laravel templates are innovatively designed to create simple as well as complex layouts with distinctive sections.

2. MVC Architecture Support:
Laravel supports MVC architecture pattern which ensures separates business logic and presentation layers. MVC pattern of Laravel has a lot of built-in functions, improves application performance and increases security as well as scalability.

3. Eloquent ORM (Object Relational Mapping):
Laravel offers Eloquent Object Relational Mapping (ORM) which includes a simple PHP Active Record implementation. This allows web application developers to write database queries with PHP syntax rather than writing SQL code. An ORM is relatively faster than other PHP frameworks.

4. Security:
Laravel framework offers very strong web application security. It uses hashed and salted password mechanism so the password would never be saved as plain text in the database. It also uses “Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm” for generating an encrypted password. Additionally, this PHP web development framework uses prepared SQL statements that prevents SQL injection attacks.

5. Artisan:
Laravel framework offers a built-in command line tool called Artisan which helps automating the majority of tedious repetitive programming tasks. These artisans can also be utilized to create the database structure, a skeleton code, and manage migration so it is pretty easy-to-manage database system. In addition, it can generate basic MVC files through command-line and manage those assets as well as their respective configurations. Artisan even helps developers to create their own commands and use them as required.

6. Libraries & Modular:
Laravel comes with pre-installed Object-Oriented and Modular libraries which are not available in many other PHP frameworks. For example, an Authentication library which is easy-to-implement and has featuressuch as checking active users, Bcrypt hashing, password reset, CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) protection, and encryption. Furthermore, this framework is divided into individual modules adopting modern PHP principles facilitating responsive and modular web applications development.

7. Database Migration System:
Laravel migration system helps to expand the web application database structure without re-creating everytime when there is a change in code. Because of this feature, the risk of losing data is very minimal. It not only offers the facility to change the database structure but also helps to do using PHP code instead of SQL. Laravel Schema Builder helps creating database tables and inserts indices or columns promptly.

8. Unit-Testing:
Laravel is a preferred framework for web application developers today due to the way it facilitates unit testing. This framework is capable of running multiple unit tests to ensure that new changes done by the developer do not unexpectedly break the web application. Ideally, Laravel based web applications are capable of stable releases as it is careful of the known failures. It also make it easy for the developers to write unit-tests.


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